Bank manager's house

Ulster folk musem, Holywood, NI, Nov 9th, 2008

Bank manager's house


Ma9bqYpN0TN0 :  I think that it is a good idea but if there was not a basic knowledge of dienfreft subjects, there would not be a balance in the world. I believe that if that was the kind of schools we had all around the world, some schools that teach subjects that are treading or popular at that time will be overcrowded by people. Homework is necessary as it gives us revision on what we learned that day in class. Grades are not as important but it gives us a mark or a percentage to show how we are doing. I think it might be even more helpful if they showed how do are doing compared to the people who gets higher grades and the people that have lower grade and also show you an percentage of you among the other students at your level. Overall, it is a tempting thinking but I think I would stick to the normal schooling system. If I could study anything I want, I would study about physics, chemistry, biology, human nature, Psychology, robotics, computer programming, just about anything relating to science and technology and psychology

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